Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A New Goal

As Christmas approaches (quickly!!!), I'm already thinking ahead to the new year and all that it brings...including resolutions. My opinion on resolutions wavers...are they really worth it? I'm not sure. In most areas of life, I have terrible follow-through. I bite off way more than I can chew or dream up grand ideas I never finish. But, I'm going for it anyway.

The other day, we had some friends over to our apartment for the first time, and one of them commented on my bookshelf. Evan joked that none of the books have come down since we put them up there. And while that's not completely true...it's not a totally unreasonable statement, either. I have accumulated so many books, and so many of them are just waiting to be read! So I want to get on it.

My goal is to read 50 books by the end of 2011. Many people take on the "50 books in a year" challenge, which is basically what I'm doing. I'm just giving myself a bit of a head start. :)

Evan asked if I was going to count children's books. I read a LOT of them, in part because of my career and in part because I just love them. The answer is yes and no. I'm not going to count picture books, but I will count novels. I'm counting one of them as book #1!

Over on the right hand side of this page, you'll see a link to a "50 Books" page where I'll keep a running list of the books I read.

I lovelovelove to read, but it's something I don't normally make a lot of time for on a daily basis. I'd like to change that, so here we go!

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